Blog Journal #4

     The ELA technology standards are a standard that is set for every grade level on the technological competence this age/grade group should be able to complete and master. For example, for first graders they must be able to complete online scavenger hunts, identify text features, access online textbooks, use collaborative platforms, navigate through Wikipedia and different blogs, read online storybooks, use graphic software, and be able to record on smartphones. Using online software to create graphics also means being able to create images, memes, and other cool graphics that can be used on social media and to complete assignments. Based on my current skill set, I still do not feel confident enough to be able to use nor teach current graphic skills and this is definitely something I would want to learn in the future.

   On the CPALMS website I found various helpful tools for different age groups. I chose grades 9-12 and looked more into the science subjects. When navigating the website, I saw a lesson plan that looked through the Mystery of Muscle Cell Metabolism. The lesson plan itself is great and provides students with a step-by-step presentation on muscle cells and its structure. The explanation is very clear, and they provide texts boxes and activities for students to complete. While I would not want to rely on a computer to teach the class, I would assign this as homework prior to my own lesson plan to give students a background on the topic we are covering. The website itself has various resources for students that can be especially helpful for all students or for students who are struggling to understand. 

    Internet searching is a super important skill to master. Knowing the vocabulary and phrases to use for optimal results can make your searches much more efficient and easier to use. As a teacher, you are always learning new things. It is important to keep up to date with new findings and research that can contribute to your lesson plans. When planning your next day of teaching, you will often need to rely on the internet to refresh on subjects and find resources for your students. As of right now I rely heavily on snippets and use these to create a background for assignments I am completing. Moving forward I would like to look more into advance searches but more specifically filtering out words to make my searches more direct. This will allow me to get the information quicker and more efficiently instead of navigating through various different articles and website that may be irrelevant. 


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